Monday, March 14, 2005

Ten things I think would make my life better, I think.


1. money, and lots of it. I mean-- obscene amounts. ok, just enough for shoes, house, bills, and 3 vacations a year would do.
2. having a view of the ocean from my bedroom.
3. being completely disciplined, organized, and in control.
4. owning a BMW 3.0Csi , silver.
5. owning my own business. Not important what kind of business.. as long as it kept me busy and interested long enough.
6. having 10 pairs of jeans that fit perfectly.
7. hating beer, bread, and fried food. (I would automatically drop 20 lbs.)
8. having a dining room in my house.. I live in a tiny house that does not have a dining room and so we usually eat in the living room because the kitchen is too cramped. I hate eating in the living room- we end up watching tv.
9. never again doubt my abilities or feeling afraid to fail.
10. a Jacuzzi tub.. yeah, that would be nice…..


darth said...

1. that would be nice..
2. even better!
3. organized? i am the king of disorganization!
4. mmm..i'll keep my lexus :p
5. making your own hours..yeah!
6. i've never owned nor worn jeans..ever :o
7. i don't drink beer,,but could NEVER give up fresh bread mmmmm..or fried food mmmmmmmmmmmm
8. what about outside?
9. :)
10. it would be perfect right here at work...behind my desk..

floatingwild said...

WHAT!? don't wear jeans?!! never owned a pair??!! so, what do you wear instead?

mcgibfried said...

you are welcome to use my dining room... i just set my brief case in there.
and giving up beer is just crazy talk... beer is our friend!

darth said...


floatingwild said...

MCG.. you cooking too?--well, yeah, giving up beer is just plain old crazy. i would not recommend it-- especially ice cold miller light!!

floatingwild said...

phew Darth! i thought you were going to tell me you didn't wear pants at all! now i know you use hair gel, like food (like me), don't drink(not like me), and don't own a pair of jeans..oh yeah, you own a lexus.. i always wanted an IS300..

mcgibfried said...

ahhh, miller lite... don't mind if i do {opens a cold one}

darth said...

quki..the new IS for 2006 is going to be killer..

thephoenixnyc said...

That's a great list. I thinjk every single one of them is attainable if you approach them one at a time.

floatingwild said...

oh, phoenix: i have been working on the money thing a long, long time.. although i did go see jaquzzi tubs with ryan yesterday:) thanks for stopping by!

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