Sunday, January 22, 2006

time to update my links

it seems that i stop blogging for a few months and half of the linked blogs disapear. jeesh, i stopped writing here and didn't erase this 'piece'.
So, this year i plan on growing up. yes, i think it is time. i plan on listinging to lots of music, new and old. i plan on taking breaths- one right after the other with short pauses for variance. i plan on drinking water. feeling hot or cold, depending on the weather. i invision good things happening and i will not be too cautions. I will try to find humor in my daily life and laugh uncontrollably at least once a week. i will call one friend once a week and catch up- even if i really have nothing to say. you see, this is the year that i will not make any new years resolutions- because i never accomplish what i intend and that only makes me miserable. don't get me wrong. i have not given up. i will not set myself up for failure. This ought to work.

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