Thursday, October 20, 2005

how do you say...

"PICKLES" in spanish-- or any language?

Sunday, October 16, 2005


queria descurbrirte y tu infinito-
ahora que te encontre me da miedo.
un rechazo tuyo instiga la muerte-
asi como tu aliento sobre mis labios me regresa la vida.
ridiculo; avergonsoso- y juvenile
te extranio cuando estas cerca.
siempre supe que sos terrible y peligroso
tus fallas son perfectas.
tu risa- el red que me engancho-me hunde al fondo
y es dificil contener este amor pesado- que duele cuando
me siento sola.
siento profundamente el calor de tus manos
mi reaccion- un gemido.
tu nombre aparece en mi corazon.
con el vapor de mi amor
deletreo 'TE AMO'.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

GOD, i need a tan

miedosa i am in a rut. work,work, smoke, to work, -
i don't mind working and i like my job- but i hate how many hours i spend there. i hate not seeing my kids. i hate always feeling rushed. i hate not having time for me. -- i guess i have to do what i have always done- do things my way. make them my way. change what i want. and say fuck it.

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