Tuesday, June 28, 2005

miedosa-- i am back..

back to work..
i have been trying to send pictures with my camera to my other blog-- things the cat dragged in-
i see nothing. totally dissapointed. i am in the process of moving and i have no internet at either house.. bare with me - i will be back with the usual whinning and droning about myself.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

miedosa serve me that plate of bull shit and make it hot and fast. i have no time to wait- no time to waste. i will add salt and garnish it with hope. hope it setlles well. nothing nurishes nothing disolves and makes me content.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Freedom is just a metaphor

miedosaI spun 12 times.. fell on my ass. Punched paper and faxed it. Waited for something that never arrived. Snuck out for a cigarette and had to pee. Was asked for something that I had no information on.. so, I made something up. I thought on my feet and I hoped I wasn’t obvious. I am a fucking genius. I can handle it all. I am an exemplary employee.
I got to leave.
I have to go home now. I have to wash clothes. I have to figure out what bills to pay and how much I will have left over for gas and food.
I will remember what was left on Monday. I will remember to fax and fund and close.



Wednesday, June 01, 2005

phew.. long hours...

10-7 get home late.. make dinner, wash some clothes..go to sleep to wake up to 10-7, again.
i miss my kids.

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