Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesday March 8---

market list:
toilet paper, meat, that pasta ryan likes, salad stuff, lunch meat, cheese, potatoes, spinach (yummy), case of water, laundry detergent.
then it is off to the tanning salon.
jonah has ot at 4-- he must complete paragraphs 4 and 5 for colony report.
dinner--'filet mignon'--yeah, i wish.
oh yeah, down two lbs. (don't ask how).
i could go on with my boring bliss.......mwuahhh!


pav said...

hey.. haha.. neeever the green death liquid.. i just take the red stuff for coughs.. it knocks you out just as well.. and doesnt taste too bad.. haha anyways.. the music thing isn't that simple.. it would be easier if i walked you through it or something.. do you have AIM.. or yahoo messenger?

Jacque said...

aww we are the mosr romantical! haha thanks hun...its not hard to be romanitcal when you have someone like pav to love...and love in return...even thru his nyquil addictions...gotta love him..haha

floatingwild said...

' you guys are adorable' (said with slight resentment- )someone should market that kind of love and sell it.. i would be the first to purchase some. Special request, any argument you both have must be blogged appropriately.
Thank you,
The Management

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