Monday, October 11, 2004

Zoloft has been raised to 75 mgs.

once my valium runs out i will take 5 mgs instead of the 10 to taper off slowly.

i went to a party yesterday, i got so drunk i felt completely overdressed. i wanted to hide. i really don't remember being that drunk in a while. i hate the way it felt. i couldn't sleep. i felt awful all day today.

i have been obsessing about drug overdoses..i guess i am realizing that mixing pills and alcohol could be fatal- i guess it is just a reminder
i found this interesting site:

i still feel in limbo about my relationship. i really don't think he understands me.. and i know i do not understand him. i wish he was more aggressive, motivated, organized, DEPENDABLE. i feel like i absorb all his inequities while with him. i feel miserable and hopeless.

1 comment:

Busty Wilde said...

hey, you verbalized that feeling you had in that relationship really well. I know exactly the feeling you're talking about, and it's awful. As if it's not hard enough trying to get over anxiety and depression already, you have to deal with all this other crap until you can't even separate it from yourself anymore. Yuck.

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