Sunday, October 17, 2004

Dear brother:

i haven't spoken to you in a few days, and i know you are acting as protector of my well being: make sure i don't slit my wrists ( you know me that would be too bloody) or get a rebound boyfriend ( you know me-- that would be too slutty). well, the medicine is kicking in and i am not feeling as anxious-- i don't feel like jumping off a bridge anymore, nor do i find that to be a "normal feeling". i now feel tired, like i could take a long, uninterrupted sleep.


floatingwild said...

you are always so nice to post.. the slit the wrist thing is just another girlish exaggeration...hey, how do you save favorit bloggers? i saw that you had links on your site.. :)

floatingwild said...

thank you, i tried and i can't see it. i'll figure it out when i am more patient

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