What follows is a list of different occupations. You must select at least five of them. You may add more if you like to your list before you pass it on (after you select five of the items as it was passed to you).
Of the five you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession. Then pass it on to three other bloggers.
Here's that list:
If I could be a scientist... If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...If I could be a painter... If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary... If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...If I could be a psychologist... If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete... If I could be a lawyer...If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...If I could be a writer... If I could be a backup dancer...
If I could be a llama-rider... If I could be a bonnie pirate...If I could be a midget stripper...
If I could be a proctologist...If I could be a TV-Chat Show host... If I could be an actor...
If I could be a judge... If I could be a Jedi...If I could be a mob boss...
If I could be a backup singer .....If I could be a CEO... If I could be a movie reviewer ....
If I could be a candy striper... If I could taste test chocolate...
If I could be a rich house wife… if I could be a truck driver… if I could be a madam/pimp
I chose these:
...If I could be a farmer- my family would starve. My fields would be barren and dry, my animals would run away. I would try to do better, but fail.
... If I could be a gardener- I would ride around in an old chevy truck with lots of garden tools and plant perinials with spots of color, lambs ear, ornamental grass, and herbs. My hands would be calloused and dry because I hate to wear gloves. I would be tanned and wear next to nothing because I hate tan lines. I would be very happy.
...If I could be a musician- I would want to be a sexy girl musician – with long hair, excellent fashion sense and a good make-up artist. But in reality, I would be a folk singer in denim & peruvian socks- with an accoustic guitar and a very shiny strap. I would sing about death and misery and die of a drug overdose.
...If I could be an innkeeper- I would buy an old house in the mountains and modernize it. I would never have a day off- nor would i need one. I would have an outdoor beer garden a chef and two maids. I would have seasonal gardens and be open year round. My room would have a view and a fireplace. I would smile alot and long for the ocean.
...If I could be a psychologist- I would self diagnose and go crazy. I would be a neurotic pill popper. I would develop unheard of phobias. I would choose to treat eating disorders in young women before it became too late. I would choose to treat schizophrenia in all-- and abused children---and become heartbroken when I would realize I cannot fix anyone. I would change careers quickly.
i tag you three:
bustywilde ,
... (one more- mi pelotudo @ Que buscas?)
Bashfully grateful- thanks for not finding me annoying.
If I could be a rich house wife… I would have 10 kids of my own and adopt another 10. I would spend all my time loving and teaching them and plan their ages so as soon as they all left home I would have plenty of grandkids.
If I could be a farmer...I would be in heaven. I would have as many kids as my pretty wife could bear to bear.
If I could be a proctologist...I would quit.
If I could be a writer...I would write three books. A history book showing that the dualism of the American Culture is based firmly in the Puritan Dilemma. A parent skills book called "Back and Wings" about the way I was raised. (if you are wondering about the name, ask me) and a autobiography, not because I am so interesting, but my life had been.
Let me see, one more...
I will add one not many of the "occupations" really interest me. I choose an avocation. If I could be a nice attractive mans lover...I would cherish him. I would spend my life being for him what I would want him to be for me. I would be faithful in thought and deed, and we would seek lost young people who have no one to care for them ( there are thousands out there) and lead them, and care for them and lead them towards lives of self respect and the productivity of their dreams. If our culture would become suddenly enlightened then My Man and I would adopt kids. Then, no matter what occupation I had I would be happy.
oh roy.. you are such a dreamer.. anyhow- my mom told me if you treat a man like you want him to treat you-- he will treat you like a servant.~ i think it is old macho b/s... but it does worry me.
I guess it depends on the Man you choose. There are several things that I always look for in a man. First is he intelligent and does he think you are. No intelligent man would want an intelligent woman to be a servant. Second, is he comfortable with emotion? Most me aren't they are trained that way, but many men long to be more emotional. Laughter, does he have a good sense of humor and a sense of the absurd?
Do kids like him and laugh around him.
On Father's day I will post a tribute to my Dad. He treated my mother with great respect. He created a safe zone around her. I learned this by osmosis. I guess if you don’t want to be protected that may not be a good trait.
I had a very close friend in college. She one day asked me not to hang around when we were at school. I was a little hurt until she explained that she would never get a boy friend as long as I was around because everyone thought we were an item. It seems I was putting this protective force field around her like my Dad did my Mother.
I guess it also depends on how you want to be treated. I put out a strong physical statement to all around that I am gentle, but I don't suffer negative ignorant people well.
That sounds horrible. But stupid people that treat others like they are stupid aren't kept in my company for very long. In fact anyone that is negative to others doesn't last long.
The love of my life right now is not a lover, he a friend. He is one of the young men I seem to collect as friends. He has a girlfriend whom I like very much. In fact, I recently discovered in High School I dated her Aunt.
He is so good to me. He is not good at talking about emotion, we are building that vocabulary, but I have learned by the changes in his voice what he is feeling. I went through a real bad stretch earlier this year, and he was there for me making sure I was OK and taking care if myself. I know he will treat his girlfriend and Wife with respect and tenderness. One of the keys to that is that I place no expectations on him, I love and adore everything he does even when I point out some times that there are things that would make his life easier if he did them a little differently.
But then what do I know; I am alone at 58 and never had a lover.
Whew long winded, I am.
Damn, I just saw this. I'll do it after I come home from work today. :D
fistingchamp.. i dunno- i am one lazy lady gardening and farming to eat are two complete different things. fisting vs. heading, hmmm-now that could sell.
Eew, it would be like some kind of reverse birthing process. Your head is supposed to come OUT, not IN. Hah. I'm just thinking of all the juices that would go up your nose (and other orifices...orifi?)
I'm going to finally do this right now. Forgive my laziness, FistingChamo has been rubbing off on me. (Note: that was "rubbing off," not "fisting.")
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