Wednesday, May 04, 2005

looking for my transcripts i found this --->

paper i wrote for an architecture assignment... i was, unlike me, pleasantly pleased...

Rows of red flinching lights filled my eye as far as i could recognize. I was moving slowly to a hidden destination. I wanted to get out and run but i knew that i could not escape safely. I was overcome by planes and forms which geometry had no names for. An occasional blip of color or separation of form would appear to distract me, but it had no lasting significance. The claustrophobia of my space, separation from others like me and the choking stagnant fumes were the foundation of my anxiety and it immediately began to increase while i remained motionless. A small break in the cluster would appear, i would try to squeeze in but another agonizing soul was quicker than i and so i would have to wait for my turn again to try to escape as quickly as luck would let me.
By this point i had become tormented by my transportable space. The plastic covering the dash was covered in sticky dust and that made me feel dirty, and with every abrupt stop i would see articles i thought were lost come rolling out from under me. i prayed my car would not overheat, or run out of gas. the dials and meters were not moving. i was afraid to look at them because i knew that i was going nowhere, and all i had to keep me sane was my unwillingness to believe the present frustration.
In my mind i would try to figure out where i went wrong: i should have done this,... went there, ... waited till later, ...etc. But i knew that this route was the only way



floatingwild said...

reminds me of when i drove $1200 disposable automobiles. i had a 'new' one every year.

mcgibfried said...

ah.. that makes me miss my 85 camaro!

Anonymous said...

hey there ... ya im back from iraq...been back actually...thanks for stopping by tho...i added you to yahoo mess so ill see ya there sometime...bye!!

mcgibfried said...

yeah.. i put you on my yahoo too.. but i've yet to see you online there...

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