Thursday, May 12, 2005

here we go-

I hated that my ex made endless amounts of lists. I really don’t consider him a person that accomplished much- though he felt he probably did just by making the damn lists. I keep finding pieces of his lists- in notebooks he left behind, written on the garage wall, in boxes – none of those things were completed.
So now I think I will try to make a list- a list of things that would make me feel better now- so that I can feel like I have accomplished something.
Here it goes:
1. pack up all my important shit and throw the rest out and move in with ryan
2. get that job I interviewed for yesterday
3. file for divorce
4. change d’s school- figure out what I am going to do with j during the summer
5. figure out how much I owe to get out of the hole
There, that wasn’t so hard. It doesn’t feel complete, though.



Roy said...

A bit confused - which is my normal state, but a bit more than usual. Soemhow I got the "F**king Brilliant" Mr. Underhill's post you wrote.
Since I can't spell I write my comments in Word and copy the over. Thought you might have done that as well.

floatingwild said...

i am blushing ROY!! sorry.. i am a huge dork. yes, i am a horrible speller ( i was trying to keep that a secret) and i try to always type anything out on word first. i had intentions on posting on your site-- but had to go!!

floatingwild said...

spud.. what is the most important item- do tell! :)

floatingwild said...

underhill- sometimes i worry he reads this crap.. he would never tell me if he did, though.

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