Sunday, May 15, 2005

Being in love is the most fucked up condition.

Let me begin my ramblings about love with the statement above. I have decided that astrology and fate are trying to hurt me and that I will no longer subscribe to such a belief. It is a crutch- a way not to take responsibility of making decisions. (I keep them in my back pocket as reference, of course). The older I get, the more cautious I get. The pain of a badly swallowed pill is suffocating me; putting self-induced pressures in my head. Restlessness develops and I cannot find comfort anywhere/anyone. I fear that I will never find comfort in anyone or anyplace desired. Zoloft makes my tongue bleed a metallic taste when I am about to panic, nervous, or having an orgasm. It is annoying and I am tired of this fucking taste in my mouth. I am in need for overdue penitence. We both are.



SHAZZIE said...

Love makes us do silly things...and, it is the best state to be in..I can't get enough of this feeling..:> Is that weird? :)

floatingwild said...

mr.u- yeah it is freaky and distracting.. but what is a nutty girl to do?
shazzie-in the begining it is a great high.. that's how you get hooked!! watch out!

Roy said...

I started to make a comment and realized it was way too long. So if you want to read it, go to:

floatingwild said...

Roy- I am so honored you would take the time to respond to this post. I really appreciate your insight. Sometimes I just feel so helpless and stuck & all I can do is write it out in hopes it will go away. I hate being an insecure girl.

floatingwild said...

bug's butt- hi! thanks for stopping by.
anyhow- i am a huge mess with out that crap. at least for right now. maybe i should try another med? (or just go insane?)

LizParker said...

I've been on Zoloft, Celexa and Effexor. Nothing worked the way I was promised it would, and I'm happier now without them.

AVA said...

Being in love is an awesome feeling for some, and the most fucked up condition for others... it doesn't matter cause the feeling doesn't last... at least not more than a couple of years with the same person. Anyway, it's still all worth it... unlike the zoloft.

floatingwild said...

ava.. i used to feel the same way about love and it's lack of longevity. i found someone that makes me feel like i will be tortured forever.i am the one that is usually in control and this time i just can't get a grip. maybe this is what all those tragic neruda poems i have read are about.

floatingwild said...

Wicked-I don't know. I am starting to think real love is supposed to be difficult and tragic, but, I am a pessimist. Once it gets easy and simple it is all over.

Busty Wilde said...

I used to get that metallic taste too, but I think I associated it with something else, like some disease or disorder I didn't even have. Then I switched to other drugs. Actually, maybe the metallic taste was from something else, like depakote. I can't even remember any more. My paxil keeps me content though, or at least content enough.

AVA said...

"Real love is supposed to be difficult and tragic..." I'd never thought of it that way... damn, maybe you're right.. the real love I've had in my life ended tragically, and was more difficult than anything.

AVA said...

I'm linking u, by the way...

floatingwild said...

~like some disease or disorder I didn't even have.~
ok busty, you are freaking me out without that comment. i didn't get that taste the first time i was on zoloft. maybe i should change med. i also hate that i have a difficult time climaxing with zoloft. is it the same with what you are taking?

floatingwild said...

gracias, Ava- i think my pelotudo is the only real love i have experienced. i feel like nothing without him.. and his love makes me complete. sin el, no hay nada-

Busty Wilde said...

I did have that problem on Zoloft, and then also with the Paxil at first. My psychiatrist prescribed me this drug that is supposed to reverse the effects of the Paxil for an hour or two - I was supposed to take it an hour before I wanted to have sex. Trying to plan like that proved to be way too difficult; fortunately, I don't have problems anymore.

I think that drug was called cyproheptadine or something, not sure about the spelling. Maybe you can ask about it? I honestly didn't notice a difference though...

floatingwild said...

great. popping pills and planning for sex an hour before. how romantic. why don't they just prescribe X?~

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